Antique and Vintage Compacts and Accessories

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Decades Vintage Company

vintage jewelry

One of Portland's best sources of vintage costume jewelry and accessories, Decades carries a wide variety of delectable baubles. From 1930's bakelite to 1950's rhinestones and even accessories like compacts, cigarette cases and lipstick mirrors. You'll find a little something for every taste.

1950's jewelry


Vintage Stratton Wedgwood compact
vintage Elgin American compact
Evans basket weave compact
Stratton Wedgwood compact
vintage compact
Mother of Pearl Compact
1920s Djer Kiss compact
1920s compact
1950's compact
Max Factor compact
chatelaine patch box
Enameled 800 silver Italian Compact
1920s Art Deco compact
1920s Art Deco compact
Eastern Star Masons compact
vintage Estee Lauder compact
1950s mother of pearl compact
Volupte hand compact
1920's compact
Elgin American feather compact

Other Ladies Accessories

Antique pomander
Vintage sterling silver perfume bottle
vintage perfume bottle
vintage bottle
vintage rhinestone pill box
sterling silver pill box
Antique silver patch box
Max Factor perfume
Antique gilt silver enemeled comb
vintage pill box
Haskell hair clip
vintage silver pill box


Decades Vintage Company | Portland, OR | (503) 223-1177